Many neighbors in our community are hungry. Through our Food Pantry, we provide a 5-7 day emergency food supply to local families and individuals.

Food for Students
In cooperation with the Lake Lure Classical Academy (LLCA), Hickory Nut Gorge Outreach is supplying food to the students for lunch and after-school snacks. This is another way that we are addressing food insecurity in the local area.

Food Pantry
Many clients who shop at the Food Pantry receive government assistance, and the food and personal products they receive from Outreach serve as a supplement. Others may be working but not able to make ends meet, work seasonal jobs, suffer from a disability, have loved ones serving in the military, or have large families, and simply can’t afford to provide an adequate amount of food for their loved ones.
We all know eating healthy and well-rounded food choices are so important to our well-being. The Food Pantry strives to provide a selection of healthy food options, including pantry staples and when available, fresh vegetables and fruits, and frozen and dairy items. Clients shop once a month for a 5-7 day supply of the food items that best suit their families.

Social Services
Hickory Nut Gorge Outreach has a part-time volunteer social worker as another one of our programs. Laura Krejci is offering client support if additional resources or assistance are needed. Laura is available on Monday afternoons to meet by appointment. The Outreach office has a dedicated room to provide privacy during the meetings.

Food Pantry
Many clients who shop at the Food Pantry receive government assistance, and the food and personal products they receive from Outreach serve as a supplement. Others may be working but not able to make ends meet, work seasonal jobs, suffer from a disability, have loved ones serving in the military, or have large families, and simply can’t afford to provide an adequate amount of food for their loved ones.
We all know eating healthy and well-rounded food choices are so important to our well-being. The Food Pantry strives to provide a selection of healthy food options, including pantry staples and when available, fresh vegetables and fruits, and frozen and dairy items. Clients shop once a month for a 5-7 day supply of the food items that best suit their families.

The Food For Kids Program (FFK) continues to grow and provide school-age children in our community with “backpacks” filled with well-balanced, healthy food for breakfast, lunch and snacks each weekend. FFK is the most expensive program supported by Outreach, and costs continue to grow as the number of recipients and the cost of food increase. Despite frugal shopping, the cost per child is $35 per month during the school year. We are always looking for community support to “sponsor” one or more of our FFK children.

Families in Need of Assistance (F.I.N.S.)
Oftentimes families receive assistance through government programs, but that just isn’t enough to make ends meet. Through this program, Outreach provides some clients with emergency financial support to pay certain types of bills, based on a demonstrated need. Examples include medication, rent, utilities and gas.

School Supplies Drive
Helping children to start out the school year strong is important in every community. Outreach provides school age children with a backpack filled with the majority of the sanctioned school supplies they need for the school year. LLCA students also receive two shirts that make up part of the school uniform.

Scholarship Assistance
This spring Outreach will introduce a refreshed scholarship program, designed to help meet the financial needs of our clients attending secondary school programs. Scholarships will be awarded to a small number of students who meet specific criteria focused on ability and intent to learn. Students of all ages attending community and four year college programs, as well as technical and vocational schools, can apply for scholarships. Donors will have the opportunity to specify if they would like their donation designated to the Scholarship Fund.

H.O.P.E. Bags
Each year Outreach distributes H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Eat) Bags to local churches and community members. The bags are filled with food products including canned green beans, corn, peas, mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce. These items supplement the Thanksgiving meal boxes created and distributed by Outreach.

Thanksgiving Meals
Each year Outreach creates meal boxes that include all of the products needed to make a traditional Thanksgiving meal. Clients pick up the boxes in advance of the holiday and are able to make their own meals for their families.

Christmas Gift Cards/Meals
Each year Outreach provides a gift card to clients in advance of the holidays, enabling them to purchase items for the holiday meal. A small number of elderly residents are provided with the holiday staples as they are home bound.

Angel Tree
Many of our clients struggle to make ends meet, especially during the holidays. It is often a real challenge to provide gifts to their loved ones, and as such, we want to ensure they can provide a happy holiday for their families. Each year we reach out to our generous community to support the Angel Tree Gift Program. Donors select their Angel(s) and purchase gifts, or if preferred, can donate funds and a Outreach volunteer will purchase gifts.